Scorpion handstand Vrschikasana B


Scorpion handstand is an advanced balancing inversion that is a combination of a basic handstand with scorpion pose.

Beginning in handstand, the legs reach backward as the spine arches and the feet drop toward the crown of the head. The gaze focuses on the ground with the neck also arching.

This posture is so named because the lower body looks like a curved scorpion tail. Scorpion handstand is sometimes called scorpion pose B and is known in Sanskrit as vrschikasana B. The A version of the pose is practiced from a forearm balance.

In addition to improving physical balance, scorpion handstand promotes emotional, spiritual and mental balance. It also has these benefits:

  • Strengthens the arms, wrists and shoulders
  • Strengthens the abdominal muscles
  • Stretches the spine and the entire front of the body
  • Increases blood flow to the brain
  • Boosts circulation
  • Stimulates the abdominal and reproductive organs
  • Opens the chest and improves respiration

Yogis with back, neck or shoulder injuries, high blood pressure, heart problems or headaches should skip scorpion handstand. Those who are pregnant should also avoid the pose.