Vrischikasana A - Forearm Scorpion pose
Forearm scorpion pose, or vrschikasana A in Sanskrit, is an advanced arm balance and deep backbend. There are multiple options for entering the position:
- From forearm wheel pose by lifting the feet of the ground.
- By transition from headstand to forearm balance pose and bending the knees so that feet come to the top of the head to resemble a striking scorpion.
- Kicking the legs up from the dolphin pose. Least safe - practice with caution near the wall or with instructor first.
The pose requires immense strength, flexibility and focus. There are many variations of this position such as forearm split, stag legs, scorpion legs, scorpion legs straight.
Instructions for entry possibility number 2
- Follow instruction to entry into a headstand
- Lift the head off the ground into a forearm balance pose.
- Start arching the spine.
- Exhale and bend the knees while lifting the head up and arching the spine. Touch the toes or soles of the feet to the top of the head.
- Breathe while holding the pose.
- Inhale and stretch the legs up. Exhale and carefully bring the feet to the floor one at a time.
- Avoid this pose if there is spinal injury or high blood pressure.
Benefits of Scorpion Pose
- Strengthens the core, back, arms and shoulders
- Expands the lungs
- Stretches the abdominal region
- Improves spinal elasticity
- Brings fresh blood to the brain