Yoganidrasana Yogic sleep pose


Yogic sleep pose is an advanced supine pose that requires lots of flexibility. It is thought to have been so-named because ancient yogis slept in this manner.

Lying face up, the legs are lifted overhead and feet wrapped behind the head so the ankles are crossed and the head rests atop the feet. The hands reach around the legs and interlock behind the lower back.

The pose is also known by its Sanskrit name, yoganidrasana, and is part of the intermediate series of Ashtanga yoga.

In addition to promoting relaxation and improving flexibility, yogic sleep pose has these benefits:

  • Improves circulation
  • Energizes the mind and body
  • Eases stress
  • Promotes concentration
  • Opens the hips
  • Massages the abdominal organs and improves digestion
  • Eases symptoms of menopause
  • Strengthens the nervous system
  • Aligns and strengthens the spine

Yogis who suffer from hip, neck, back, knee or ankle injuries should skip yogic sleep pose. Because this posture is such an intense stretch, preparatory poses - such as Happy Baby Pose and Butterfly pose are vital in order to help open the hips.